Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What the holidays mean to me

The holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving) this year have been quite different fo me this year. Instead of just thinking of the less forunate for a moment this year I think of people who are less fornuate all the time. I not only think about the homeless and people who don't have much but my heart alsgoes out to people who are ill and can not help themselves. I think about the people and children in the hospitals, mental facilities, and other places that are not such a happy place to be all the time. There are a lot of people in a lot of situations that cant help themselves and anyone else right now. This idea makes me think of the celecration of Christ and his birthday and what he did for us to be saved.

Since Christ did such an unthinkable, remarkable thing for us then we should want to do some things that are remarkable for someone else. I am continualy learning that that is the true spirit of the holidays and should be our spirit everyday. I want to keep the mindset of trying to help someone on  daily basis. You never know how kind words, a gentle smile or hug can help a person. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean so much to a person an people tend to rememberwhat we think are small things as big things. I encourage everyone to try and find someone that they can be of help to and do just that help. Sometimes we can help people just y telling them or testimonies and experiences. It is a wonderful feeling to help people especially if yo have been the person that has needed help before. So when you wake up in the morning first say that you God for waking me up and then ask him to send you someone you can help. Remember there is always someone in a worse situation  that you. Happy Holidays and Merry Chirstmas!!

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