Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Bible being taught as a history class

In Arkansas lawmakers are proposing that the Bible be taught as a history course because it is the oldest history book there is. The bill proposes the Bible be taught in a way that does not go against any religious beliefs that the children may have. Lawmakers want to include the course in the curriculum because they say that it is the oldest most popular history there is. Lawmakers are just attempting to have the Bible put into the curriculum. There is not a proposal that this course be taught as a reglious course at all.

I think that this is a very good idea but there are many people including other lawmakers who don't. They say that it is a not good to mix church and state and think that the entire proposal should be rejected. I think that this is good idea because it is a step toward getting religion back into the schools. I believe that religion is to be respected.

I believe that this could make a traumatic difference in the way students act in school. Teaching the Bible as a history course is a great idea because even for non believers this gives of God's word. In my opinion it does not matter how they incorporate the Bible into the lesson plans as long as they don't teach against it everything is great. It is unknown if this bill will be passed because government really stepped into the water when this idea came up. Of course many people are saying that the idea of this being done is mixing religion an politics together. I say if this is mixing religion and politics together then mix away because it's great!!!!!

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