Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Memphis City Schools does not put F's on students report cards

Memphis City schools does not give F's as grades anymore. Is that crazy or what. Instead they use NMS which means does not meet standards. I think that this is the craziest thing that I ever heard. I have never heard such foolishness in my life. I have always like the fact that it's pass or fail. I feel that students need to see that F on their report cad if they are not completing any work and the parents too. I am told by my sister in high school that they are considering letting students due community service to make up failed work.

The idea of not giving F's is a terrible way encourage children to learn or want to improve grades. There are a lot of other schools around the country that use this same rule but it is still a terrible idea for everybody. Ideas like this one really make you see why the American school systems are so behind and children don't learn as much as they should. The whole idea is really not fair to the children that decide they are going to work hard and do their work. All I have to say on this one is "What is the education system coming to"? 

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