Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This verse in the Bible means a lot to me because it tell me that no matter how bad a situation gets that I am never alone . This verse tell me that when t seems as if no one else cares God cares and that he will always lead and guide me through the toughest situations. This passage tells me that I may walk through the shadow of death but hold on, it's just a shadow not death. This scripture speaks life any dead situation. It reminds me that no matter how bad I may have messed things up in my life, that there is still hope because of God's grace and goodness and mercy.  It reminds me that God is a comforter in the time of trouble and he gives peace in the midst of a storm. This is a very popular and strong scripture. This scripture means a lot to me and many other people. I can remember times when I have repeated this scripture over and over again I was granted peace from  God because I knew that his word helped me to seek his face. In times of trouble in the time of a storm you can always grab your bible or concordance and find something in his word to soothe you. Even if you don't know what something means sometimes all you need is one word and the situation that you are so very consumed in  seems so small. So remember in the time of storm and trouble be encouraged and always seek the father face!

What the holidays mean to me

The holidays (Christmas and Thanksgiving) this year have been quite different fo me this year. Instead of just thinking of the less forunate for a moment this year I think of people who are less fornuate all the time. I not only think about the homeless and people who don't have much but my heart alsgoes out to people who are ill and can not help themselves. I think about the people and children in the hospitals, mental facilities, and other places that are not such a happy place to be all the time. There are a lot of people in a lot of situations that cant help themselves and anyone else right now. This idea makes me think of the celecration of Christ and his birthday and what he did for us to be saved.

Since Christ did such an unthinkable, remarkable thing for us then we should want to do some things that are remarkable for someone else. I am continualy learning that that is the true spirit of the holidays and should be our spirit everyday. I want to keep the mindset of trying to help someone on  daily basis. You never know how kind words, a gentle smile or hug can help a person. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean so much to a person an people tend to rememberwhat we think are small things as big things. I encourage everyone to try and find someone that they can be of help to and do just that help. Sometimes we can help people just y telling them or testimonies and experiences. It is a wonderful feeling to help people especially if yo have been the person that has needed help before. So when you wake up in the morning first say that you God for waking me up and then ask him to send you someone you can help. Remember there is always someone in a worse situation  that you. Happy Holidays and Merry Chirstmas!!

My experience at Union Universty Germantown

I have been attending Union University's Germantown Campus and I am in the BSOL program and it is great. I have been attending Union since the Spring of 2010 and I never knew that I would love this university so much. When I came to Union I thought "college as usual" but I was wrong. There are so many caring instructors and you really get a chance to meet and bond with other students. I was expecting that this experience a little better than a typical university because I am enrolled in  an  adult studies program. I was amazed when I really got a chance to see what the program was like.

I love the school because it is a Christian school. At this point in my life I feel that being Christ centered is very important. At Union it's not just about how much money the school can suck out of you it's about what someone can do to help. I love the prayer before or after class. I love the fact they prayer requests are taken. I feel that the atmosphere at Union is great. I never knew that I was in for a treat of this kind. I love it and I would recommend anyone who is looking to be at an excellent University enroll in Union. It is a great place to learn and be. I would describe the experience as being a part of an extended family. At Union you really feel that everyone is there to help you along the journey. When you are experiencing hard times you really get encouraging words and not the typical "maybe you need to take some time off from school right now and enroll at a later time". The experience with the other students is great because you form bonds with people that you never imagined. I love this university most of all because it is Christ centered!!  A + for Union University.

Memphis City Schools does not put F's on students report cards

Memphis City schools does not give F's as grades anymore. Is that crazy or what. Instead they use NMS which means does not meet standards. I think that this is the craziest thing that I ever heard. I have never heard such foolishness in my life. I have always like the fact that it's pass or fail. I feel that students need to see that F on their report cad if they are not completing any work and the parents too. I am told by my sister in high school that they are considering letting students due community service to make up failed work.

The idea of not giving F's is a terrible way encourage children to learn or want to improve grades. There are a lot of other schools around the country that use this same rule but it is still a terrible idea for everybody. Ideas like this one really make you see why the American school systems are so behind and children don't learn as much as they should. The whole idea is really not fair to the children that decide they are going to work hard and do their work. All I have to say on this one is "What is the education system coming to"? 

The Bible being taught as a history class

In Arkansas lawmakers are proposing that the Bible be taught as a history course because it is the oldest history book there is. The bill proposes the Bible be taught in a way that does not go against any religious beliefs that the children may have. Lawmakers want to include the course in the curriculum because they say that it is the oldest most popular history there is. Lawmakers are just attempting to have the Bible put into the curriculum. There is not a proposal that this course be taught as a reglious course at all.

I think that this is a very good idea but there are many people including other lawmakers who don't. They say that it is a not good to mix church and state and think that the entire proposal should be rejected. I think that this is good idea because it is a step toward getting religion back into the schools. I believe that religion is to be respected.

I believe that this could make a traumatic difference in the way students act in school. Teaching the Bible as a history course is a great idea because even for non believers this gives of God's word. In my opinion it does not matter how they incorporate the Bible into the lesson plans as long as they don't teach against it everything is great. It is unknown if this bill will be passed because government really stepped into the water when this idea came up. Of course many people are saying that the idea of this being done is mixing religion an politics together. I say if this is mixing religion and politics together then mix away because it's great!!!!!